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Bench Scale vs Washdown Scale

bench scales

Industrial vs Washdown

Industrial and washdown bench scales seem very similar from afar, but upon a closer look, there are a lot of differences between the scales. From scale design, to the materials used to build the scale. Bench and washdown scales share similar functions but are usually used in different applications. Those who are new to scales may be a bit confused on the differences and their applications when searching for a scale. This article will breakdown the differences between industrial and washdown scales, and highlight features unique to each scale.

The Industrial Touch

Industrial bench scales are just as the name implies, a scale built for an industrial environment/setting. Bench scales are usually small to medium sized and are usually reserved for reduced loads in a confined space. Industrial bench scales are usually meant for lower volume loads. You typically see them in warehouses, labs and manufacturing. This is due to having to weigh small items like food, bolts, etc. An industrial bench scale comes in various sizes and components to fit the operator’s needs.

Anatomy of a bench scale

Bench scales are designed to be placed on a table or counter top during usage. They require a small amount of real estate, but are able to weigh a large volume of smaller products. Some scales have a more compact design with integrated display, keypad and indicator. Some of the bench scales are designed to be more customizable. For example, you can find a bench scale with an individual indicator, printer and other components. When looking at different bench scales, one will find the components come in various sizes and compositions. The weighing platter is usually made out of stainless steel for an easy wipe down. The key pad and indicator may be a bit larger than that of a washdown scale because they don’t need to withstand harsher environments. Ultimately the industrial bench scale will have a wider variety of options when it comes to customizing your scale.  These particular scales are more so customized to fit the area that it will be predominantly in.

Scale Applications

Counting and checkweighing are some of the more common applications that bench scales use.  There are some scales that are designed specifically for counting, while there are different scales that have the functionality of both checkweighing and counting. You will usually see industrial bench scales in manufacturing shops, logistics and parcel companies, due to these particular bench scales being ideal for counting pieces before packaging (screws, washers, etc) or weighing things like packages or checkweighing. You will also see bench scales in the deli and produce departments in supermarkets. Essentially, bench scales are used in a myriad of industries that require the applications mentioned above.

The washdown effect

Understanding what a washdown scale is in relation to an industrial bench scale will help you understand why they are used in certain industries over others. The reason why it is called a washdown scale is because it is designed to be sprayed down and handle harsher environments. These scales are designed to resist spills from fluids being weighed. Washdown scales tend to have stainless steel components (base, platter, etc) and fully sealed indicators. They are also designed to handle extreme temperature changes and can handle being sprayed down by a pressure washer. Washdown scales have an IP rating to help owners identify all the hazards that their scale is resistant to. Be sure to check the IP rating on a scale that you are considering to ensure that your scale is able to handle the environment it will be located in.

washdown scales and their industries

The industries that use washdown scales tend to have so much going on that they need to keep the scale protected and easy to sterilize. Since washdown scales are considered waterproof, or more so, water resistant. Many industries use these scales because of the increased reliability, thus leading to a longer operating life for the scale in that particular environment. In the food industry there are a lot of requirements to meet in order to even operate. A washdown scale is going to have to meet these requirements, so it will have ratings that meet all requirements, including sterilization and can handle frequent cleanings to ensure there are no contaminants. In grocery stores that use washdown scales, they will clean the scale between each weighing of food. This is done to avoid any cross contamination. Manufacturing warehouses tend to have a lot of debris in the air and need a washdown scale that is not only able to be sprayed, but is also sealed to keep dust from getting into the internals of the scale. Essentially washdown scales are used in a lot of industries, but the main requirements for a washdown scale to be used is to be easy to clean, can handle extreme temperature changes and are sealed to prevent debris from harming the internals of the scale.


Washdown and industrial bench scales are similar, yet have different applications. Understanding that these scales have a myriad of functions and features can seem overwhelming but if you know what features are important to have, then selecting and optioning your scale will be easy. Remember that before purchasing a scale, it is beneficial to do research. Check certain features that the scales have that you feel are needed in your operation. Knowing the maximum capacity and IP ratings will help make deciding on the scale a bit simpler. The learning hub can help with more focused articles that can help answer any lingering questions you may have concerning bench scales. Our guide to selecting a washdown scale is a good starting point for anyone interested in getting a scale for their washdown environment.

The Importance Of Truck Scale Software

So you have your new truck scale and now you need all that data it is collecting. Collecting data is good to help keep track of your weight measurements throughout the duration of your work day. Your truck scale is producing data constantly.  Depending on what you plan to use your data for will guide you towards a truck scale software package best suited for your needs.  Below are some common questions and answers that will assist you in that selection process.  


So What is truck scale software?

When we say truck scale software what do we mean?  In this case we mean software that performs one of or more of the following functions> scale ticketing, scale transaction data storage, dispatching, inventory management, or other similar items.  

As you can see "truck scale software" has a lot of meanings depending on who you ask.


What type of software is out there?

There tends to be two major buckets of software. First is truck scale software designed specifically for a certain industry such as solid waste, aggregates, or agriculture.  Examples of these would be WasteWorks, Command Alkon, and Trux.  Second is truck scale software that is generally industry agnostic.  Examples of these would be ScaleSoft, OnTrak, ScaleIt, Truck Plus, etc.


Who Makes the software?

Truck scale software is designed and owned by two major groups.  First are the truck scale manufacturers such as B-Tek, Rice Lake, Mettler Toledo, Cardinal, etc.  Each truck scale manufacturer has their own proprietary software packages.  Some of these software packages come with the scale indicators they sell while others are standalone and can operate independently.  The second group are independent software & technology companies that just make software.  Meaning they are not manufacturing physical truck scales like the first group.  Oftentimes these are smaller companies that have more software programming expertise but less "scale" knowledge.


How do I connect my scale to this software?

After you have selected your truck software you will need to connect your physical truck scale to the software.  This is accomplished through a range of communication options.  The most basic and still  prevalent is serial data being sent from the scale indicator on your truck scale to a PC / Laptop running the software.  Other options include ethernet, wireless, and more advanced protocols like TCP/IP.  Once the truck scale is connected to the computer the weight data can start to flow to the software.  Connecting your truck scale to the software is a task best suited for your scale service company.


What can the software do for me?

This is a tough question. This entirely depends on what you are looking to do with your weigh operation. The answer is pretty open-ended depending on what software you selected.  From a basic perspective all the software will offer:

Scale ticketing.  This is the process of weighing trucks in and out and gathering required data to produce a scale ticket.  Think of the scale ticket as a single transaction.  The ticket can be digital, a physical paperticket, or both.  This ticket is then often provided to the driver of the truck along with the company operating the truck scale.

Transaction Data Logging.  This is the process of capturing all the scale tickets that were run on a day.  These tickets are then stored on a database either locally or in the cloud.  From there all the scale data is accessible for reporting purposes, financial records, etc.  

Transaction Reporting.  This is the process of data visualization, reporting, and transmission.  Software is configurable to email daily or monthly transaction reports or to provide batches of data to ERP systems such as Oracle, SAP, or MS Dynamics.  


What else can the software do for me?

Some of the other functionality includes invoicing, inventory management, point of sale payment processing, camera integration, RFID tag integration, etc.  Bottomline, there is a wide range of software features out there.  


Where do you buy the software from?

It depends.  If you selected a software package offered by a scale manufacturer such as ScaleSoft by B-Tek or OnTrak by Rice Lake then your scale service company is who you will buy the software from.  On the other hand, if you went with an independent software such as WasteWork or ScaleIt then you will purchase it directly from them.


How much does truck scale software cost?

Not surprisingly, there is a wide range of price points for truck scale software. Whether you go for a basic software package or complex package with impact cost significantly.  When it comes to pricing some software packages are charged by the month using a contractual obligation while other packages just have a one-time upfront fee.  For reference, a basic software package that has a one-time upfront fee is in the $2,500 - $5,000 range.  For a truck scale software package that is charged monthly expect to pay $100 - $500 per month.  

If you are purchasing a new truck scale, when should you start considering software?

The short-answer is from the beginning.  You want to ensure the truck scale hardware you are purchasing is going to work well with the software you are contemplating.   Also the more you integrate your truck scale software requirements early into the buying process the less likely you will end up with a software package that doesn't meet your needs.  Two groups to reachout to learn more about truck scale software; one your local scale dealer, two any companies in your same industry running software.  Your scale service company will have had experience with a wide-range of software packages.  They can provide candid advice on which direction you might want to go.  Second, talk to other folks in your industry who are running truck scale software and get their feedback.  Oftentimes, they are a great resource since they understand your industry specifics better than the scale service company.

So what are some of the truck scale software packages out there?

Below is a list of some of the truck scale software packages that are available on the market:

Scale Manufacturer Specific





Industry Specific:

Command Alkon




Bench Scale Troubleshooting Guide

How to Troubleshoot Bench Scales

If you work with bench scales in your business, it may be important for you to know how to troubleshoot your scale when certain issues arise. Looking after your product can prolong its lifespan and provide more accurate results. In this article we will go over troubleshooting techniques for your bench scale for the common issues that you may encounter. 

Basic troubleshooting steps

When troubleshooting potential issues with your bench scale, there are things you can do that don’t require much work to figure out what the issues are. Here is a list of basic troubleshooting steps you can follow to figure out the issue with your bench scale.  Troubleshooting can be broken down into a visual inspection and then a more detailed hands-on inspection. Each issue that occurs can be categorized into a type of issue (weight, power, electrical).  

 No Power to scale

There may be times when your scale may not have power, or the indicator is not working properly or displaying any figures. There are several reasons as to why you are experiencing this issue, but solving it will come down to proper troubleshooting. When this happens, there are a few steps listed to help figure out why your scale does not have any power. 

  • Check power to the outlet and ensure that the unit is plugged in

  • Check cables and grounds for broken or frayed cables

  • Ensure that the scale is plugged into an outlet with power

  • If the scale is portable, make sure the battery is fully charged and connected

Incorrect Weight

Issues where the weight is inaccurate can be frustrating and time consuming to figure out possible causes. With incorrect weight readings, there are a few different causes. Be sure to inspect the outside of the  scale and platform as well to make sure that there isn’t anything obstructing the scale from operation. 

  • Check for objects leaning against the scale

  • Check for debris under platform

  • Make sure that the platform is secure and void of any extra play

  • Check to be sure scale is in the desired units

Weight Fluctuates

When your weight measurement is unable to settle on a consistent number, then you are dealing with weight fluctuation. If you experience this issue, then there could be a few factors that are causing your weight measurements to fluctuate.

  • Make sure the scale is not on a vibrating surface

  • Ensure that there are not any drafts hitting the scale

  • Make sure there aren’t any devices causing radio interference

Honorable Mention

The troubleshooting tips listed above are quite common during bench scale ownership. Even though they can cover a lot of issues that may arrive, here are a few honorable mentions of troubleshooting tips that you can follow for more unique issues you may experience. A good method to try is by checking the troubleshooting tips included in the scale manual. Most product manuals will include a section with various troubleshooting tips which may provide a quick fix. 

In the case of a scale that is portable, there may be an issue of the battery simply not being charged. The first thing to do is to check and see if there Is any power to the scale.  If your scale is without power and is running on battery power, then check and make sure the battery is actually charged. Sometimes we don’t realize that our scale can be unplugged accidentally or that the battery is not left on the charger without us realizing it. 

Most scales will have a level bubble or some way to ensure that the scale is level. Sometimes the inaccurate weight readings can be from the scale just slightly off balance. So the first thing you should do is make sure your scale is level by checking the level bubble. Adjust the feet on the scale if needed and then check the  bubble indicator to make sure everything is level and on balance.  

Another tip that can help is the possible error codes that can show up on your scale’s display screen. A good idea is to keep a small notepad and take note of any error code that may show up on the scale’s display. Keeping a notepad with the error codes with fixes listed can help you develop a “quick fix” guide to avoid long down time. The good thing about error codes on your scale is that they can give you useful information on issues such as calibration errors, low battery power or if there is an obstruction on the platter that is keeping the scale from recording an accurate weight. Recording these codes in a notepad with an accompanying fix is a great way to minimize confusion when you encounter issues. 



Building a good set of troubleshooting skills takes time and patience. Through dealing with various issues that will arise while owning a scale. Following the above suggestions and also keeping a small log or notepad which contains the issues along with fixes will be a great way to streamline your troubleshooting process. Be sure to check out our Learning Hub for various articles concerning bench scales. For a more detailed article regarding bench scales, check out the article “Bench Scale Basics” and the article “DIY Bench Scale Tips”.



DIY Bench Scale Tips

bench scale

Troubleshooting Your Bench Scale

Bench scales for both industrial and retail are ideal for small spaces as they take up a minimal amount of room while providing maximum accuracy and durability. Granted the bench scale is small with a lot of features, it is important to keep it maintained and cleaned so that the scale continues to weigh accurately and is reliable. Neglecting to regularly clean and maintain your scale will lead to intermittent operation and potential failure. This article will go over troubleshooting and DIY tips for maintaining and cleaning your scale to help keep it operating at an optimal level and will uphold its reliability.

Keeping a clean scale

As straightforward as this may sound, keeping a clean scale and work area will help prevent potential issues with weight accuracy and not zeroing out. The work environment that the bench scale is in plays a big part in the amount of debris and dust that can collect around and under the scale. Keeping a clean environment and scale will also lead to longevity regarding the various components on the scale. Washdown scales usually have a stainless steel deck as well as a water sealed scale indicator. Creating a cleaning and maintenance schedule or checklist for daily and weekly cleanings will help prevent eventual downtime for your scale.

  • Create a cleaning schedule or checklist outlining daily cleaning tasks for your scale

  • Visually inspect the scale and area to ensure it is clean and void of moisture 

  • Between weight measurements, wipe down the base to ensure it is void of debris

  • Be sure to clean the scale accessories as well

  • Follow service guide from scale manufacturers for model specific instructions

  • Careful to not get water in junction box or on electronic load cells to damage them

Balancing act

Keeping your bench scale on a stable and balanced surface will affect how accurately your scale will collect measurements. The first thing to do is make sure your scale is on a level surface or, if the feet are adjustable, check that the feet have been correctly leveled. Many scales feature a bubble level built into the scale for convenience. For any reason you don’t have the bubble indicator, you can use a level or even place a marble on the surface to see if it rolls on its own. To make sure your scale is perfectly balanced, do a few level checks mentioned above and also look to possibly relocate the scale to a surface that is perfectly stable and level. 

  • Check the scale base to make sure that the adjustable feet are perfectly level

  • Use a construction level to make sure that platform that scale is on is level

  • Check both the scale and platform it sits on for any play or wobble. Adjust as necessary

Weight fluctuations

Fluctuating weight can occur for a few reasons. Understanding the importance of a stable weight reading will be the difference between accurate and inaccurate. With unstable surfaces, it causes the weight to shift constantly, making it difficult for the scale to record an accurate reading. This particular issue can cause a lot of problems when collecting an accurate weight measurement. Depending on the scale, one reason that causes this issue is due to “Drifting” which is when weight is on the scale, but the reading never settles on a definite result. This is a common problem that may point to your scale possibly needing to be calibrated. Another factor that can cause weight fluctuations is wind currents in the work area. If you have a scale that has a low weight capacity, then any change in the environment (wind, vibrations, etc) will affect the weight. Our own breathing and touch can also contribute to the weight fluctuating. A stable and quiet environment will help keep the scale from fluctuating.

  • Make sure that there is no vibrating on the scale or platform

  • Check for any drafts or wind going through the work area near scale

  • Perform a calibration check using test weight to see if measurement is stable

  • Make sure remote display is properly connected and void of any issues

No Power To Scale

The lack of power to your scale system can be a pickle if the issue is bigger than just an unplugged power cable. Is there any power to your device? If not, make sure that the scale is plugged in or that the battery has been charged. Sure, it seems obvious but it’s worth checking! Your device may have been accidentally unplugged without your knowledge. Inspect all cables to ensure that they’re securely connected and that they’re not damaged in any way. Possible damage could include an exposed wire or a kink in the power cable or other wires that are connected to the scale. 

  • Check your power supply to ensure that it is plugged into an outlet

  • Use a voltage meter to check to ensure that the your scale is getting proper voltage

  • Check all connecting cables to make sure there are no breaks or exposed wire. 

  • Check scoreboard to ensure it is connected to a power supply.

Scale Calibration

The amount of measurements that your scale will record can and will affect the accuracy of your readings through time. Calibrating your scale is a good way to ensure that the scale is reading correctly and accurately every time. Depending on the volume of measurements that you perform throughout the day will wear out your scale, thus resulting in inaccurate weight measurements. A good practice to prevent your scale reading inaccurately is implementing a calibration schedule. Keep in mind that some weighing applications will have different calibration frequencies. Developing a good schedule would help you stay on top of your maintenance and also prevent more instances where your scale will need to be calibrated. 


The amount of industries that legal for trade bench scales are used far exceeds what is listed in this article. The bench scale is a very versatile scale and due to its versatility they are able to service multiple industries and provide accurate weight measurements. Keep in mind that these tips should help increase the lifespan of your scale. At American Scale we strive to bring you informed and useful content on all things scale related. Be sure to check out our truck scale articles about truck scale foundation or how much do truck scales cost. We even have a guide to warranties. To learn more about bench scales, it would be good to check out our other articles such as “Bench Scale Basics'' andHow Much Does A Bench Scale Cost?”. These articles will help with the basics of bench scale ownership. Also, take a look at our “Common Problems With Bench Scales'', which can help give insight to what issues could arise while owning a bench scale.

Bench Scale Applications

bench scale


Bench scales are designed to take up a minimal amount of room while providing accuracy and durability in a variety of industrial and commercial environments. A legal for trade bench scale applications cover a wide range of industries and are built to withstand daily use in both wet and dry areas. This is vastly different from a truck scale, from size to the application. From the unique scale calibration method down to the load cells, bench scale systems are very versatile. This article will take a look at the different bench scale applications along with the scales mostly used in those industries. This article will help give more insight into the many weighing applications that are used on bench scales. 


One of the biggest industries to use bench scales is the food and beverage industry. When looking at the various packages, you will notice there is always a weight printed on each package. The importance of an accurate and reliable bench scale in the food and beverage industry is important to ensure each package has the correct weight before being shipped out.

When looking for a bench scale to specifically weigh food, it is important to go with a company who has scales specifically with food production in mind. Food safety is essential to the entire process and a bench scale in a food production environment and having a scale designed to handle the constant cleaning. Sometimes there will be extra scale accessories like sealed electronic load cells or even a scoreboard or remote display to save space.

Usually in a food and beverage environment, the scale is usually made out of stainless steel, which is a material that can handle the extreme conditions that are thrown at it. They use this over a steel deck because of the type of service it requires. Usually the bench scale used in the food industry will have unique scale indicators and junction boxes to help prolong the lifespan and protect it from harsh environments. 


The retail industry has a lot of different avenues where products are counted, weighed and shipped. In old jewelry stores, you could often see an analog scale used to weight gold or whatever was brought in.  In retail the scale will typically be on more of the small side, so as to not take up a lot of real estate. Choosing the right scale for your operation will prove to be an invaluable asset, but it is good to understand which scale will be the best fit by knowing which part of retail you are operating in. For example, working at a parcel company that handles shipping and logistics will most likely have a different scale compared to one in a deli at a supermarket.  The correct scale increases productivity and efficiency in your operation, thus ensuring a smooth running workflow.  


In industrial and manufacturing settings, there is usually a large quantity of something that needs to be weighed (screws, bolts, etc). Because of the large quantity of objects needing to be weighed, a bench scale offers precision in a compact space. In manufacturing settings, scales need to be durable to handle the amount of measurements it needs to take daily.  For these reasons, bench scales are popular devices for check weighing in the manufacturing industry. The design of the bench scale helps provide the manufacturing industry with consistent quality control. The scales that are typically used have a more heavy-duty design.


In manufacturing shops, bench scales are ideal for weighing raw materials, counting pieces before packaging, or checkweighing during quality control. This usually occurs at the end of the production process. This helps to ensure that the packaging is the correct weight and that it is within the US requirements. Essentially you have to look at check weighing as the “policeman” on the packaging line. Check weighing is essentially the weight control center on a production line, and helps to protect from producing products that are either above the acceptable weight or below. 


A counting scale can help you efficiently and accurately count a high volume of identical parts. Whether for incoming or outgoing goods, counting scales ensure you have exactly the number of parts you require. Counting bench scales can be used to count and weigh objects simultaneously. For example, when counting thousands of screws, the counting scale takes the weight on a single screw and then tracks the amount when a bulk weigh is performed. When it comes to counting bench scales, accuracy is a key component that cannot be compromised.


The pharmaceutical industry requires precision to ensure that the medications are effective and not simply a placebo. One wrong measurement, no matter how small the error, can have drastic consequences. Scale manufacturers understand that these scales require very careful handling, so they implement certain protectors to help avoid common problems that could arise. When choosing a bench scale (or lab balance) for weighing objects that require a precise amount, you want one that is able to detect very low weight measurements. The usage of bench scales in the Pharmaceutical industry is all about precise measurements and accurate counting.


The amount of industries that bench scales are used far exceeds what is listed in this article. The bench scale is a very versatile scale and due to its versatility they are able to service multiple industries and provide accurate weight measurements. At American Scale we strive to bring you informed and useful content on all things scale related. Be sure to check out our truck scale articles about truck scale foundation or how much do truck scales cost. We even have a guide to warranties. To learn more about bench scales, it would be good to check out our other articles such as “Bench Scale Basics'' andHow Much Does A Bench Scale Cost?”. These articles will help with the basics of bench scale ownership.

How Much Does A Wash Down Scale Cost?

bench scale

How Much Does A Wash Down Scale Cost?


A legal for trade washdown scale system is designed to be easily cleaned after use. The design of a washdown scale is to prevent liquid, moisture and dust particles from damaging the scale’s internal components. They usually have a steel or stainless steel deck, and will at times have a remote display or scoreboard due to possible space restrictions. Scale calibration is a part of washdown scales just like other scales. Analog and electronic load cells are used in a washdown scale but are sealed to protect from the environment. The components to usually may up a washdown weighing application are junction box, scale indicators and deck. Proper equipped components will improve the lifespan of the scale. Washdown scales are used in industries that have a lot of moisture and particles that are throughout the environment. The components of a washdown scale are typically made of stainless steel and fully sealed parts. 


When trying to spec out your new washdown scale, you need to realize that what drives the cost of a good scale is the components equipped to the scale. Scale manufacturers will have different features for their scales, so it is good to look at differend brands to see what works for you. The different components designed for washdown areas tend to have different price points. These components tend to have a higher cost due to the more heavy-duty nature of their application. These are the main components that will drive the price of a washdown scale. 


The base of the wash-down scale is usually stainless steel to withstand daily cleaning. The base will come in various sizes and different IP ratings to show what it will be able to withstand. You will want a base that can not only withstand pressure washing, but also a base that can handle drastic temperature changes from hot to cold. A washdown base can cost you anywhere from $700 to over $1300 with an IP rating of IP-66 or above. It is best to choose a base that best fits your work environment. 


The indicator also drives the price of a wash-down scale. When looking at a normal bench scale vs a washdown scale, you will notice how the indicator on the washdown scale will be completely sealed, protecting the internals from the hazards in the area. The indicator for a wash-down scale will be completely sealed to protect the scale from dust and debris. The IP rating helps identify what the scale can handle in regards to liquids and solids (the first number is for liquids, the second number is for solids). The IP rating for heavy duty scales tends to be IP 65. Which means that the scale is completely protected from dust and protected from low jets of water from all directions. Look for an indicator that is completely sealed from the elements and has an IP rating noting that it is sealed tight. An indicator that is best suited for a washdown environment will cost $700 to over $1500 depending on the indicator and the features.

Load Cell:

The load cell used in a washdown scale will be different from other load cells used in normal bench scales due to the fact that it needs to be sealed and protected from the conditions in the area. A load cell used in a washdown scale will need to have a high IP rating. Typically load cells made for a washdown scale will usually have a rating of IP66 which means that they are protected from dust and able to withstand high-pressure water from different directions. Depending on the maximum capacity of the load cell can determine the cost as well. When looking to purchase a load cell for a washdown scale, you should expect to spend anywhere from $200-$700 depending on the capacity, quality and rating.


Pricing a washdown scale will come down to the components optioned. Base, Indicator and load cell are the main components that drive the cost of a washdown scale. Buying a washdown scale can cost you anywhere from $1200 on the low end to over $3000 for a higher end washdown scale.Be sure to look at the IP ratings on each component being spec’d for your scale. Take time to evaluate the environment that you plan on placing your wash-down scale and if the specifications that you chose can actually withstand the environment and work load. Set up a maintenance schedule for your scales to prevent common problems from arising.At American Scale we strive to bring the best content and resources to our customers. Be sure to check out our article “A Guide To Selecting A Bench Scale” to help with selecting the appropriate washdown scale for your operation. We also have articles on all things scales. From scale accessories, to truck scale foundations and warranties and even how much do truck scales cost.

What Is A Truck Scale Project Timeline

The truck scale Roadmap

The truck scale installation process can seem a bit convoluted when one doesn’t understand all that is involved. The infographic above helps lay out the entire truck scale building process. This article will briefly go over each step in the truck scale building process.

Site Review

The site review is what you do before you ever even begin to break ground and start the construction process. When you are performing a site review you want to do a walkthrough of the build site, noting the possible places to install the scale as well as noting potential pitfalls that could arise at the site. Essentially this step is the initial preliminary step of mapping out the truck scale build.

Purchase Scale

This step is where you spec out and make your scale purchase. Depending on which company you decide to go with will determine the delivery time and cost. Once you have secured a delivery date and shipping destination, the next step is to start getting te site prepped.

Set Schedule

Setting the schedule for the truck scale build is where you work with the site manager to get a build schedule into place. Coordinate with the site manager and walk the site and plan which components will be installed in designated locations. This is also the time where you coordinate with the contractor who will be pouring concrete. This step is reserved for setting the schedule for the remainder of the build.

Construction Begins

This is the “breaking ground” portion of the build. In this step is where you start digging the trenches for cables and electronics connecting to the truck scale being installed. Along with digging the trenches, this is also when the pouring of the concrete for the foundation begins as well. Keep in mind that the curing process for the foundation will take 14 days to completely cure.

Scale installation

The scale installation is where all the planning and scheduling comes together. The scale is delivered via tractor trailer to the build site. The scale deck is set into the foundation by a crane. Once the scale is properly set, the team installing the scale will then anchor down the deck and all accompanying wiring and connections. Typically if the deck is a steel deck then the installation process can tak one day to complete. It will be a lot onger (30 days) for a concrete deck.

scale calibration

After the scale has been properly installed, it is time to calibrate the scale and do a final systems check. During the calibration phase, the installation team will check to make sure the load cells are measuring the weight and that the scale is properly weighing correctly. After calibration is complete, the team will run final tests on the systems operating the scale.


Installing a truck scale is a lengthy process, but with proper planning and scheduling, the entire process will seamingly flow together. You can download the roadmap infographic to help you track your progress.

Common Problems With Bench Scales.

Bench scales


Industrial legal for trade bench scales are ideal for small spaces as they take up a minimal amount of room while providing maximum accuracy and durability in a variety of industrial environments. These multi-purpose scales are built to withstand daily use in both wet and dry areas and are typically affordable. There are some models that are even approved for use in hazardous areas like chemical plants, steel mills, etc. Regardless of how small the bench scale is, however, it’s critical to keep it maintained and cleaned so it continues to perform in a reliable manner. This article will cover the common issues that occur during the ownership of a bench scale.


Believe it or not, one of the common issues with a bench scale is lack or loss of power. A scale not powering on can be a variety of issues from mechanical to electronic. Begin by checking the power source for any issues and that it fits into the outlet. If the scale operates with batteries, double-check that they are charged and don't need to be replaced. These might seem like basic items to check, but you'd be surprised how much time and hassle this could save you in the long run. 

  • Check the power supply to make sure it is correctly plugged into the scale and power outlet.

  • Check that the power switch to the scale is flipped on

  • Verify the voltage going to the scale matches the power supply labels on the scale



An issue that somewhat gets overlooked is a blank display or the display is not reading or working correctly. One way you will notice this is when the display may be pixelated or is displaying non sequential figures. These can be from the cause of a faulty display. There are a few reasons why this could occur. One reason could simply be that the power source is not plugged in or the scale is not turned on. Other contributors to this issue is that a fuse in the scale could be burned out or the screen display is broken and needs to be replaced. 

  • Check power is going to the scale and the switch is on

  • Verify the voltage going to the scale matches the power supply labels on the scale

  • Check the display screen that there is no damage and that it is proper connected from the inside

  • If you have a remote display, be sure to check the cables are connected properly.

  • Check the scale indicator to see if it is properly connected

  • If you have a scoreboard, then check to ensure it is properly connected


Inaccurate readings can plague a scale more than one may realize.These inaccurate readings are primarily the result of a scale being out of calibration, debris buildup under the weighing platter or a broken component. An inaccurate reading can cause significant issues in almost any business. A bind prevents the scale from receiving the correct amount of load. A bind can occur when a buildup of debris or foreign objects accumulate under or around the scale. It is good to set up a daily and weekly cleaning schedule for the scale to make sure it is void of any dust, debris or moisture. 

  • Check pan is installed correctly and clear any obstructions

  • Calibrate to make sure that the scale is measuring correctly

  • Make sure that the scale is set to the correct measuring units

  • Check the junction box to ensure everything is wired properly

  • Is there a scale calibration schedule? If so, is it being followed

  • Check the weight platter to see if there is debris under. Most are stainless steel for easy cleaning

  • Check your load cell, whether it is analog or an electronic load cell depends on the owner



There can come a time where your scale is not zeroing out between measurements. One of the reasons for this is the amount of debris and grime buildup. Dirt, dust and other residue can build up in the seams of your scale over time if you’re not cleaning it regularly. Even the slightest bit of dust underneath the actual scale can affect your measurements, and any buildup directly on the pan certainly affects it. Make a point to do daily and weekly checks on your bench scale. Checking the power source, under the platter and around load cells to ensure that the scale is free of moisture, debris and built up dust. Also make a point to run a few tests to make sure that the scale is zeroing out between each measurement.

  • Check the weighing platter and ensure that there is no build up underneath

  • Do a weight test between measurements to ensure the scale is zeroing out

  • Clean scale around and under the platter and load cells



When weighing anything, it is important to make sure that the scale is on a level and stable surface. This will keep the scale from shifting, thus providing an inaccurate measurement. The unstable surface causes the measured weight to shift, thus giving an inaccurate reading. Since bench scales are designed to take up minimal space as well as sit on a flat surface, be sure to make sure that the adjustable feet on the scale are all the same height and that the bench itself is also level and stable. 

  • Check the platform that the scale is on that it is stable

  • Ensure that the scale’s adjustable feet is on the scale is level

  • Check the weighing platter to be sure that it is level and even on the load cells.



The aforementioned troubleshooting tips for your bench scale system are a good standard to follow when it comes to figuring out any issues that your scale will have. One less common issue is receiving different weight measurements on different areas on the platform. For example, if you weigh an object on one side of the scale and the reading is the correct size. Then if you weigh the same object on a different side of the scale and the measurement comes up inaccurate. This can happen by the platter not being correctly on the platform. One of the feet on the scale could need adjusting to be level because they are causing the scale to not be level. A good practice to prevent this is to check the platter, platform and around the load cell to ensure that there is not anything that is obstructing the scale from getting an accurate measurement. Another thing of note is that knowing your weighing application, essentially what the scale will mainly weigh and how often.



A bench scale just like any other scale needs to be properly taken care of. Scale manufacturers will usually include a suggested maintenance schedule to follow to prevent common problems. Neglecting maintenance and service will cost you time and money in the long run. Looking after your product can prolong its lifespan, provide more consistently accurate results and potentially reduce your parts and labor costs. Remember to Avoid prolonged exposure to harsh environments, Calibrate your balance at regular intervals and keep your scale clean and tidy. These issues may be common, but they will become less common if you follow the aforementioned tips.

At American Scale Be sure to check out our Learning Hub to find more in depth articles on all things scale related. From scale accessories to truck scale foundations, or warranties we offer articles on everything scale related. To learn more about bench scales, be sure to check out our article Bench Scale Basics

How Much Does A Bench Scale Cost?

bench scales

How much does a bench scale COST?

Pricing a bench scale can be a daunting task, when trying to figure out what scale will work for your operation and will be able to handle the environment it is in. Bench scale manufacturers will have different features and options for their scales, some will have a steel deck, while others will be full washdown. This article will go over the cost of purchasing a bench scale and other components that could influence the price.  


A bench scale is a scale designed to be placed on a table or counter during weighing. It is very different from a truck scale in both scope and size. They don’t take up much real estate, but still include a large weighing pan for various size objects. Some bench scales have integrated indicators and keyboards, making a more compact design. While other bench scales may include a detachable indicator, remote display which can be wall-mounted for easy viewing. Bench scales are versatile and widely used in various industries for a broad range of applications.. Despite a compact footprint, they’re often packed with useful features and functions.  


Knowing what your legal for trade bench scale system will be used for can help you determine what scale and price range will work best for you. You may realize that you need a scoreboard because the space needed The most common weighing applications for bench scales are check weighing and counting. In assembly workshops or production workshops, bench scales are ideal for weighing raw materials, piece counting before packaging, or during quality control. Understanding what your scale will be weighing mostly can help you set a budget so you don’t end up under or over spending.  


When searching for a bench scale, you will want to consider what environment your scale will mainly be in. You also want to consider how often the scale will be washed along with the area. Ultimately the environment will help determine how heavy duty your scale will be. With more protection and components, the pricing of the scale will reflect those options. The environment will determine the best component options for your bench scale. 


The features that a bench scale is equipped with range from power supplies, stainless steel surfaces to ensure easy cleaning as well as various indicator and keypad options depending on your setup. Do you want an analog or electronic load cell? What kind of scale indicator are you wanting? Overload protection ensures the scale isn’t compromised by excessive weight, and can help it last longer. These features can be options to make the scale more user friendly and streamline the weighing process. For easy portability, shop for a scale that includes a rechargeable battery in addition to an AC adaptor. When searching for a bench scale with a rechargeable battery, be sure to take note of how long the battery can operate without being recharged. 


While on the journey of selecting your new bench scale, there will be some options that need to be considered. These options can influence the price of the scale, and it is good to know what options are beneficial for you and your operation. One of the options that is considered is power-saving. To save battery life, some scales allow users to program the backlight to ‘on’, ‘off’ or ‘on only when weighing’.  Some scales have a more “all in one” setup where the indicator, keypad and other components are all integrated into the scale itself. This is usually to help save space and make the scale more portable. There are options for the platter size, all the way down to if the keypads have automatic backlighting. The options can seem overwhelming, but determining the best options to equip your scale is based on application, environment and frequency of use.  


Affordable and easy-to-use bench scales provide the functions and precision required by businesses ranging from small offices to large factories. Bench scales can provide professional weighing solutions within a limited budget and can be used almost anywhere. A well maintained scale will extend its overall lifespan, so proper maintenance is a must.

When it comes down to it, the cost will vary depending on different factors. On the low end, one can expect to spend anywhere between $100-$300 for a basic low level bench scale. Whereas on the high end, the scale can end up exceeding $1,000.  Research can help you figure out what scale and options will be the right fit for you. At American Scale we work hard to bring the most up to date resources.

For a more in-depth look at what bench scales entail, then head over to our products Page. Be sure to read up on other articles like how much do truck scales cost or even truck scale foundations. We also have articles on warranties, scale accessories and a guide for scale calibrations and our popular common problems with bench scales.

How To Pick The Right Truck Scale Company

rice lake truck scale


When starting out on your legal for trade truck scale journey, one may question how to go about picking the best truck scale manufacturers that fit their needs. There are things one will have to consider other than if they have the best price. This will go over some of the things you will want to consider when going through the truck scale selection process. 


The budget when purchasing a scale can be tricky because you have to think about your long and short-term goals. Determining the size of the scale and what it will be used for is one thing. Your budget is another. The first thing to realize is all that you will need for a full build. For a proper scale system, you will need to consider the truck scale foundation, if you go with a steel deck or not. When researching a scale company, it is important to go with one that fits inside of your budget.

One way to do this is looking at all that is offered from said company if you were to work with them. What is included with the purchase of a scale? Will you receive maintenance on all components including load cells? Do the scales offered fit within your budget? For larger projects, will the company work with you and your budget to find the best scale for you? These are the makings of a good company. When it comes to determining your budget, it’s all about finding the right balance between short and long-term.

Truck scales are a major investment so make sure you know what impacts the price of a truck scale before going out to purchase one. The right company will be able to identify this and help guide you through the process. Some things to consider when pricing out your scale and searching for a company are as follows:Do you need a remote display?Are you using analog or electronic load cells?What kind of scale indicator do you need?What are the weighing applications your scale is used for?Will you use additional scale accessories?



When it comes to picking the right scale and company, there are a lot of technical factors involved. The best way to be sure that you are getting the right truck scale company for you is by consulting with experts in the field. There is nothing wrong with contacting a company to help answer the more detailed questions that can’t be answered through a Google search. 

A good company with a knowledgeable and responsive staff is one of the best qualities a company can have. With minimal research, It can be easy to purchase the wrong scale for your operation, especially if you are new to truck scales in general. For example, you may need a scale for your warehouse, but decide to purchase a shipping scale thinking it will be a sufficient choice. Granted, a shipping scale may be able to weigh the products coming through. The issue comes into play when the internal parts suffer damage from moisture and dust floating around in the work environment.

With the minimal research the scale picked ended up being the wrong scale, thus costing more money in the long run.By going through a scale company with knowledgeable and helpful staff, they can help guide you and keep you from purchasing the wrong scale for your business. A good company will work with you throughout the lifespan of your scale. Going with a company that is mainly based online will have perks cost wise, but will lack on the customer service side. Consider what services the company you are considering offers.

From working with you at the start of the truck scale installation, as well as performing scale calibrations on a regular schedule (scale calibrations are meant to be performed once a quarter depending on usage). When looking for a scale company, remember to pay attention to the quality of their staff and products.   


Service and maintaining your scale is inevitable and when looking for a good company, knowing what services are provided when it comes to maintaining your truck scale is an important part of choosing the right company. There are common problems that you will encounter during your ownership As mentioned earlier, your budget plays a big role  in your overall decision.

When looking at what is involved with maintenance, it is important to discuss with the company you are considering how their maintenance and service works. How far do they travel for service? Do they offer other services like pressure washing or calibration tests? Some of these services will be included in the warranty for a limited time. But be sure to look into what is included. For example a scoreboard or junction box may not be covered, so it is good to look to see what exactly is included. If you want to learn more about warranties then check out our article “The Guide To Truck Scale Warranties' ' to help explain what is included in larger detail. 



When it comes down to it, choosing the right truck scale company will save you downtime and costs in the long run. The task can feel overwhelming when searching for the right company, but taking the time to research and contact companies will get you on the right track. When starting on your truck scale journey, it is important to keep in mind the above points. At American Scale we strive to bring our customers the best service and resources. Be sure to check out some of our more in depth articles such as How much do truck scales cost, or whether you need a stainless steel indicator or washdown. “5 Biggest Mistakes When Buying A Truck Scale” and “The Cost of a Turn-Key Truck Scale” among others.