We get a lot of calls from customers that want a new belt scale and aren’t sure what information to provide us. This article will help explain some basic requirements that any scale dealer will need to start working on a belt scale project.
If you don’t know the answer to these questions – DO NOT worry! We can go through them together to figure out the best scale for your application. To learn more about the different companies that make belt scales checkout this blog post.
Info about the application / material being weighed:
Basic questions we will ask include:
1. What type of application is this scale going to be used for?
a. Inventory
b. Load out
c. Blending
d. Batching control
2. What accuracy are you trying to achieve?
3. What is the maximum flow rate of the material (tons / hour)?
4. What is the minimum flow rate of the material (tons / hour)?
5. What does the material consist of?
6. What is the size of the material?
7. What is the density of the material (lb / cubic foot)?
8. Is the material corrosive?
Info about the conveyor
Basic questions we will ask include:
1. What is the conveyor type (stationary, stacker, portable, mobile crushing equipment)?
2. What is the make of the conveyor?
3. What is the model of the conveyor?
4. What is the conveyor angle?
5. What is the belt length (feet)?
6. What is the belt width (inches)?
7. What is the belt speed (feet / minute)?
8. What is the idler spacing?
9. What type of idlers do you have (standard trough, offset, channel inset, flat, catenary, etc)?
10. What is the condition of the belt?
11. Does the belt have splices? If so, what type?
12. Is the area where the scale is going to be installed an explosive environment?
Additional info that will help spec out your belt scale project
Basic questions we will ask include:
1. What is the power source (110VAC, 240 VAC, 12-24VDC)?
2. Where will the integrator (scale head) be installed?
3. How far is the scale head from the scale frame?
4. Do you want the scale to communicate with your control / automation system?
a. What protocol are you looking for (Analog output, Ethernet IP, DeviceNet, Profibus, etc.)
5. Do you want a remote display?
6. Do you want to include a self storing test weight system (we recommend it!)?
7. Do you want to control many belt scales from one integrator?
8. Do you want to receive and/or monitor your data on your phone of the web?
Last but not least, if you get us these dimensions, you are really ahead of the game!
To see what belt scales American Scale offers checkout our belt scales page.
Closing Words
At American Scale we strive to bring you informed and useful content on all things scale related. Be sure to check out our legal for trade truck scale system articles about truck scale foundation or how much do truck scales cost. We even have a guide to warranties. We also have articles on scale accessories, common problems to prolong your scales lifespan, weighing applications as well as what scale indicator works best with your junction box. To learn more about bench scales, it would be good to check out our other articles such as “Bench Scale Basics'' and “How Much Does A Bench Scale Cost?”. These articles will help with the basics of bench scale ownership.