What does a digital truck scale cost?
You may have heard of digital truck scales, but what exactly is a digital truck scale? In this article we discuss both what a digital truck scale is along with how much one would cost you. Digital truck scales truly are the future so let's learn why that is.
Digital vs Analog Truck Scales:
Traditional analog truck scales use, as the name implies "analog" technology. In basic terms the loadcells send analog signals to the scale indicator where it is converted to a digital signal and a weight is displayed. In comparison, digital truck scales generally have digital loadcells where the conversion from analog to digital signal takes place at the loadcell. This is important. Since the loadcells are sending a digital signal to the indicator, they are able to send loads of additional data. You may be asking what types of data? Well, it can include angles of the loadcell, temperature, humidity, if the loadcell has an error, calibration data, and much more. One of the biggest benefits is stored calibration data. This means if a loadcell or indicator needs to be replaced the calibration data is stored in the system and can be "pushed" into the new loadcell. This allows scale service companies to respond much faster and cheaper in a pickup truck vs. a heavy-capacity test truck. It saves you time and money. A second important benefit is accessing scale performance and maintenance data remotely. This takes the form of web-based platforms that allow both truck scale owners and scale service companies to monitor loadcells from their computers. If a loadcell goes bad, automated alerts via text or email are sent out. Bottom line, digital truck scales offer a number of advantages over their analog counterparts.
So What Does A Digital Truck Scale Cost?
So what does not change between a digital and analog truck scale? Generally, the scale deck itself is the same between the two. Whether it is a digital or analog loadcell the structural steel design is normally the same. The real difference is in the loadcells not the scale platform itself. Because of all these advantages numerous scale manufacturers offer digital truck scales. They include Mettler Toledo, B-Tek, Cardinal, and Fairbanks. Some of these manufactures have only recently added digital truck scales to their offerings, such as Cardinal Scales, providing evidence that the shift from analog to digital truck scales is underway. So, you have decided you like the features of the digital truck scale and want to purchase one how much will it cost you?
So how much does a digital truck scale cost, ball-park pricing is $55,000 - $90,000. This is for the most common truck scale type sold in the USA; a 70ft by 11ft steel deck.
Like any truck scale there are numerous options that when chosen will determine the exact price. Examples include length of the scale, width of the scale, scale deck type, model, and accessories required.
Digital Truck Scale Makes & Models:
Below are the main truck scale manufacturers and their digital truck scale offerings. Each has slight differences in the exact technology they use. Each will claim their best. All we will say is that any make & model digital truck scale is better than an analog truck scale.
B-Tek Digital Truck Scales:
The flagship digital truck scale for B-Tek is the Centurion. Although they offer digital technology on a few other models in their lineup. The Centurion utilizes 77k lb capacity compression style loadcells. Their patented TruDigital technology along with Nexia Live Monitoring Software are both powerful tools for the digital truck scales. B-Tek uses traditional junction boxes to connect its loadcells together. B-Tek’s digital technology comes through a joint-venture with Bilancia Group of Italy.
Cardinal Digital Truck Scales:
Cardinal is a recent entrant to the digital truck scale industry. Cardinal utilizes their patent SCBD Series SmartCell Digital loadcells along iSite remote monitoring. They are used on the Cardinal Armor truck scale lineup. Cardinal uses a SCBD 75k capacity double-ended shear beam loadcell. This makes it unique as no other truck scale manufacturer offers this type loadcell in a digital version. The Cardinal digital system does not require a junction box and uses a daisy-chain approach to link all the loadcells.
Fairbanks Digital Truck Scales:
Fairbanks Scales offers a hybrid digital system. The loadcells are analog technology; however, utilizing their Intalogix junction box system they convert the analog loadcell signals to digital signals prior to being sent to the scale indicator. The loadcells used have a 66k lb capacity rocker-column design. They are made by Minebea Intec.
Mettler Toledo Digital Truck Scales:
Mettler Toledo has offered digital loadcell technology in their truck scales for over two decades. Their VTS231 model truck scale features their PowerCell PDX technology. They utilize 100k capacity compression style digital loadcells. Similar to the Cardinal, the Mettler Toledo digital system does not require a junction box and uses a daisy-chain approach to link all the loadcells.
Closing Words
At American Scale we strive to bring you informed and useful content on all things scale related. Be sure to check out our legal for trade truck scale system articles about truck scale foundation or how much do truck scales cost. We even have a guide to warranties. We also have articles on scale accessories, common problems to prolong your scales lifespan, weighing applications as well as what scale indicator works best with your junction box. To learn more about bench scales, it would be good to check out our other articles such as “Bench Scale Basics'' and “How Much Does A Bench Scale Cost?”. These articles will help with the basics of bench scale ownership.