Cost Of A Turn-Key Truck Scale Project
The installation of a new truck scale involves many different moving parts and pieces. Choosing the right scale and features along with project costs and timelines can become a bit overwhelming. Your scale company will have many questions which can affect the cost of your project. The fact remains that everyone wants to know the answer to a complex question – What does a turn-key truck scale installation cost? In this article, we will lay out what you can expect to be included in your turn-key project and how much you can expect to spend for different features.
Truck Scale Installation Labor & Calibration:
The first thing included on your quote would be a line for labor – installation and calibration. This typically runs between $4,000 and $7,500. If you have a new installation on a new foundation, the cost will be less. If you have a truck scale that you are replacing, the cost is usually a little higher due to the extra trips to your site and preparations made for the installation of your new scale. Installation and calibration will include all parts of your scale. The install team will also make sure that auxiliary devices are connected to include indicators, ticket printers, computer programs, kiosks, outside displays, and intercom systems. Conduit is typically installed by the contractors who you choose to build the scale house or wherever the scale operator will be located. Along with calibration, a “Placed into Service” form that the scale company fills out is sent to your state’s weights and measures office. This ensures you are able to use your scale in a legal for trade application.
Crane Cost
Cranes are often used to remove old scales and set new scales into place. Crane costs typically range from $2,500 to $3,500. If you are removing an old scale, the cost of freight to remove the old scale off site to a scrap yard is included in this cost, particularly if it is a steel deck scale.
Concrete Foundation Cost
Concrete and foundation work is a big part of your new scale cost. Most scale companies provide an experienced concrete contractor to perform the site preparations. Once the site is ready, the contractor will form and pour the ramps, approaches, and foundation. For more information on these items, reference the article in our Learning Hub entitled “What Are the Truck Scale Foundation Types” Soil samples and other factors can determine the type of foundation that you need. A typical above-ground scale foundation with ramps and approaches will typically cost $30,000. Ask your service provider how to pick the right foundation. If you have an existing foundation, scales can be customized and built to fit so that no concrete work is needed! This could save you thousands so make sure you discuss this with your scale company.
Truck Scale Cost
Truck scales come in different shapes, sizes, and materials. To understand more about truck scale costs, reference our article in our Learning Hub entitled “How Much Do Truck Scales Cost” As a reference point, a truck scale will typically range from $45,000 for a basic analog truck scale to $80,000 for a high traffic, heavy-capacity scale. Your truck scale cost will include all parts and hardware needed to make your truck scale perform correctly for many years. The options are endless so spend some time in our Learning Hub and get to know how truck scales will help your operation before selecting which scale you buy.
Freight Cost
The final piece of your cost is freight. Freight can range from $2,500 to $4,500 based on your distance from the manufacturer and your local permitting laws. All truck scales are delivered on a flatbed 18-wheeler that is typically oversized load overweight.
Total Cost Turn-key Truck Scale Project
So now the big question – What is the bottom line?
For a new truck scale installation, you can expect to see a turn-key project cost around $100,000 - $115,000. There are factors that you can keep this down for you which your scale company can help explain. If you are replacing an existing truck scale with no concrete work required, your cost will be around $80,000. Don’t let the number scare you! Buying a truck scale from a reputable manufacturer can give you a truck scale that will last for 25+ years.
Also check out our article “Truck Scale Installation: What’s Involved” for more details on what to expect. Also look into our articls Guide To Truck Scale Warranties
Closing Words
At American Scale we strive to bring you informed and useful content on all things scale related. Be sure to check out our legal for trade truck scale system articles about truck scale foundation or how much do truck scales cost. We even have a guide to warranties. We also have articles on scale accessories, common problems to prolong your scales lifespan, weighing applications as well as what scale indicator works best with your junction box. To learn more about bench scales, it would be good to check out our other articles such as “Bench Scale Basics'' and “How Much Does A Bench Scale Cost?”. These articles will help with the basics of bench scale ownership.